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January 23, 2025, 04:15:59 AM
M Company Message BoardTrooper MessagesM Company Message BoardDavis: also Help needed
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Author Topic: Davis: also Help needed  (Read 23368 times)
Posts: 14

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« on: November 06, 2004, 07:59:15 PM »

Dear troopers,

My nickname in Vietnam was Frenchie.  I was with the 3rd Squad. M CO of the great the11th.   I served will Doc. Soliz, Peter Alberico- Lt.,  Lance Wane Alsup -TC, Lonnie Burris, and Tom Jones, Sgt DiKes, and many more than I unforunately do not remember your names.  This was from April 69 to Jan 70.

I need help from anyone who remembers me volunteering to do mine sweeping for our squad and who would be willing to write a letter to that affect with your name, DOB:SCN/or SSN, address, and to have it notarized.  I had also found some a booby trapped bunker, and found some mines.

I need same regarding a firefight that took place in rubber plantation that Red and Sugar Bear were killed.   Does any one remember seeing out of the tank getting ammo from topside.  I need someone to attesting seeing me get the ammo during the firefight, This was the firefight that a medic chopper was shot down.  We were also were with an other unit of APC's.   Next day in a same clearing my tank hit a mine, and several of the APC hit mines and several of our brave comrades lost their lives.    Even if you were from the APC outfit, as long you can attest to it, it would serve the purpose.

Does my TC who chewed my ass for not getting into the tank ,while I was new in country, while we were being ambushed because I tackled and infantryman who was  "besided" and was running towards the front of the tanks towards the enemy line. Either ways he would have been killed if I had not tackled him.  You, the TC ,chewed me out pretty good and also said that I was stupid in what I had done.  If you recall this could you attest to this.( this was early when I in-country and we were working with an infantry outfit.  These were the guys that had food choppered-in and would share their food with us.   Then many of them got food poison.

I and looking for "DAVIS" he was known in Nam.   He was tall blondish guy who was from Florida.  He was the driver of my tank.   I need to know the name of the CO when we were in the firefight that Red and Sugar were killed.  It would help not only if you remember his name but where he is.

My email address is sanctuary@ainop.com   Phone 207-868-5039.

Thank you
God Bless.

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