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196 Posts in 100 Topics- by 131 Members - Latest Member: maddog45

December 04, 2024, 02:41:31 AM
M Company Message BoardTrooper MessagesM Company Message BoardSgt. Keuntsler
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Author Topic: Sgt. Keuntsler  (Read 19361 times)
Fran McCarthy
« on: June 17, 2003, 09:23:23 PM »

Fran McCarthy is my name. I served with M company from October 1970 for about six months at which time I was reassigned as M co. and other portions of the 11th Armored were being sent home. My tank commander most of my time there was Staff Sgt. Minor. I forget the Captain's name but he liked volleyball and we would play on the inner perimeter of the firebase. I was a buck Sgt. when with the unit. I now reside in my hometown, Norway, MI 49870 I was an active member at one time with the 11th Armored Cav Association but have let my membership lapse. I Would like more info on M-Co. , Such as a list of those that may have served around that time. There was a Sgt. Keuntsler that I knew who served the same time I did. Would like to know where he is now also.
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2004, 06:21:06 PM »

my name is dan watkins. you and i both rode out to the base together on a shithook. i was assigned to m24 as driver for psg syversen. i remember sgt. minor. i am currently with 278th regimental combat team in iraq.oh yeah, merry xmas .  dan
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